Full Directory of Secretary of State Office Websites

Author: Jason Coles

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Are you looking to register a new business in one of the 50 U.S. States?

Do you need to look up the details of a company already registered in a certain state?

Whatever reason you have for needing to access the Secretary of State website, we have curated a list of all 50 of them.

For your convenience, we have listed the official name of the government body in each state, the main website address, the phone number, the email address of each Secretary of State office, and a link that takes you to the registration and renewal fees for each state.

Complete directory of the Secretary of States

If you would like to know the fees to register a business in any of the 50 US States you can head over to our page and find the initial registration fee and the annual fee to maintain your LLC or incorporated company.

You will also find a full list of initial state registration and annual renewal fees for each state in our comprehensive list below. So, if it is an LLC, Corporation, Limited Partnership, Non-Profit, or any other type of U.S. company you plan to register you can find all these initial and ongoing renewal fees by following the “fees” link against each state below.

U.S. Secretary of State List of Offices & Contact Details

1. Alabama Secretary of State | Email | 334-242-7200 | AL Fees

2. Alaska Lt. Governor | Email | 907-269-7460 | AK Fees

3. Arizona Secretary of State | Email | 602-542-4285 | AZ Fees

4. Arkansas Secretary of State | Email | 501-682-1010 | AR Fees

5. California Secretary of State | Email | 916-653-7244| CA Fees

6. Colorado Secretary of State | Email | 303-894-2200 | CO Fees

7. Connecticut Secretary of State | Email | 860-509-6200 | CT Fees

8. Delaware Secretary of State | Email | 302-577-8161 | DE Fees

9. District of Columbia Secretary of State | Email | 202-727-6306 | DC Fees

10. Florida Secretary of State | Email | 850-245-6500 | FL Fees

11. Georgia Secretary of State | Email | 470-312-2800 | GA Fees

12. Hawaii Lt. Governor | Email | 808-586-0255 | HI Fees

13. Idaho Secretary of State | Email | 208-334-2300 | ID Fees

14. Illinois Secretary of State | Email | 217-782-2201 | IL Fees

15. Indiana Secretary of StateEmail | 317-232-6536| IN Fees

16. Iowa Secretary of State | Email | 515-281-6230 | IA Fees

17. Kansas Secretary of State | Email | 785-296-4564 | KS Fees

18. Kentucky Secretary of State | Email | 502-564-3490 | KY Fees

19. Louisiana Secretary of StateEmail | 225-922-2880 | LA Fees

20. Maine Secretary of State | Email | 207-626-8400 | ME Fees

21. Maryland Secretary of State | Email​ | 410-974-5521 | MD Fees

22. Massachusetts Secretary of State | Email | 617-727-9180 | MA Fees

23. Michigan Secretary of State | Email | 517-335-2436 | MI Fees

24. Minnesota Secretary of State | secretary.state@state.mn.us | 651-201-1324 | MN Fees

25. Mississippi Secretary of State | Email | 601-359-1350 | MS Fees

26. Missouri Secretary of State | Email | 573-751-4936 | MO Fees

27. Montana Secretary of State | Email | 406-444-2034 | MT Fees

28. Nebraska Secretary of State | Email | 402-471-2554 | NE Fees

29. Nevada Secretary of State | Email | 775-684-5708 | NV Fees

30. New Hampshire Secretary of State | Email | 603-271-3242 | NH Fees

31. New Jersey Secretary of State | Email | 609-777-2581 | NJ Fees

32. New Mexico Secretary of State | Email | 505-827-3600 | NM Fees

33. New York Secretary of State | Email | 518-486-9846 | NY Fees

34. North Carolina Secretary of State | Email | 919-814-5400 | NC Fees

35. North Dakota Secretary of State | Email | 701-328-2900 | ND Fees

36. Ohio Secretary of State | Email | 614-466-2655 | OH Fees

37. Oklahoma Secretary of State | Email | 405-521-3912 | OK Fees

38. Oregon Secretary of State | Email | 503-986-1523 | OR Fees

39. Pennsylvania Secretary of State | Email | 717-787-6485 | PA Fees

40. Rhode Island Secretary of State | Email | 401-222-2357 | RI Fees

41. South Carolina Secretary of State | Email | 803-734-2170 | SC Fees

42. South Dakota Secretary of State | Email | 605-773-3537 | SD Fees

43. Tennessee Secretary of State | Email | 615-741-2819 | TN Fees

44. Texas Secretary of State | Email | 512-463-5770 | TX Fees

45. Utah Lt. Governor | Email | 801-538-1041 | UT Fees

46. Vermont Secretary of State | Email | 802-828-2148 | VT Fees

47. Virginia Secretary of State | Email | 804-786-2441 | VA Fees

48. Washington Secretary of State | Email | 360-902-4151 | WA Fees

49. West Virginia Secretary of State | Email | 304-558-6000 | WV Fees

50. Wisconsin Secretary of State | Email | 608-266-8888 | WI Fees

51. Wyoming Secretary of State |Email | 307-777-7378 | WY Fees

How to Start a Company

Alabama, Arizona, California, Georgia, Texas

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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,390 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.