41 Interesting Facts About Connecticut

Author: Jason Coles

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Situated in the northeastern corner of the US, off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean you will find the state of Connecticut, which is one of the six New England states with a history that dates back to the colonial days. Connecticut is the third smallest state in the US by area, bordering Massachusetts from the north, Rhode Island from the east, and New York from the west. Let’s take a look at some of the most interesting facts about Connecticut.

Despite being such a small state in size, Connecticut has a lot to offer, from scenic landscapes, endless beaches and coastline, unique cities with interesting cultures, and a deep New England history, it is difficult to get bored when visiting or living in Connecticut.

Interesting facts about Connecticut

1. If you enjoy hiking, exploring, or simply relaxing at the beach, Connecticut has you covered. With two incredibly beautiful national parks that welcome over 36,000 visitors each year, and 23 beaches home to a wide variety of swimming areas, and relaxation spots, this is only a snippet of what this state has to offer.

2. Connecticut is home to many different cities, all with their own unique personalities and attributes. The largest city in Connecticut is Bridgeport, with a population of over 146,000. This historic seaport city continues to grow at a steady, and consistent rate.

3. Bridgeport is one of the oldest, and history-rich cities in the United States, discovered by the British way back in the mid 17th century and developed as a farming and fishing town due to its consistent weather and location on the coast. Bridgeport has been the birthplace of many interesting innovations over the years, maybe the most unique being that it is the original home of Subway, the fast-food chain with the most outlets in the world.

It all began in 1965 when Peter Buck, a resident of Bridgeport took out a loan of $1,000 from a family friend to invest in ‘Pete’s Subway’. The co-founder, Central High School graduate Fred Deluca found a “crummy location” on a side street in Bridgeport and the business began, later on, they expanded to another location where the business started to pick up, and from there, the rest is history.

Facts on Connecticut

Connecticut is considered by many to be one of the more popular places to live and visit, despite being quite small in size compared with some more recognizable states. There is so much to do and see within the state, and many business opportunities present themselves to companies large, small, and everything in between.

Interesting facts on Connecticut include the top industries within the state, such as financial and insurance services, educational and health services, official state symbols, fishing and agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and entertainment, and the fast-growing real estate sector.

The success of these leading industries has had a hugely beneficial impact on the state’s economy, with Connecticut’s tourism, film, and art sectors generating on average over $14 billion in economic activities and providing over 170,000 jobs per year! There are a considerable amount of interesting facts on Connecticut associated with the tourism industry and beyond.

Interesting facts about Connecticut

Here are some more Connecticut facts that you may not have known

4. Connecticut was admitted to the Union on January 9, 1788, becoming the 5th state to form the United States we know today.

5. The population of Connecticut is over 3.6 million.

6. Connecticut is the 29th most populous state.

7. Connecticut is the 3rd smallest state by landmass.

8. The capital city is Hartford despite not being the largest.

9. The city with the highest population in Connecticut is Bridgeport.

10. Connecticut’s abbreviation is CT.

11. There are 216 miles of shoreline in Connecticut.

12. The Connecticut state bird is the American robin.

13. The first people to inhabit the area we know as Connecticut came over 10,000 years ago.

14. The name “Connecticut” comes from a Native American word, Quinatucquet, roughly translated to “beside the long tidal river.”

15. The Connecticut state nickname is the Constitution State, which is derived from the famous historian, John Fiske, who claimed that the Fundamental Orders of 1638/1639 were the first written constitution in history.

16. Connecticut is home to 8 different counties.

17. Black bears, bobcats, fishers, muskrats, and white-tailed deer are among the many mammals that reside in Connecticut’s wilderness, however, the official animal to represent the state doesn’t reside on land!

Interesting facts about Connecticut

18. Want to know a fun fact about Connecticut? Almost 60% of Connecticut’s land is covered in woodland, so it’s no wonder forests are up there with the state’s top natural resources, producing lumber, firewood, and maple syrup to name just a few.

19. When thinking about Lobster Rolls, many associate them with Maine, this is understandable as the Lobster Roll consumption in Maine is extremely high. However, they were actually invented in Connecticut.

20. The frisbee was invented in Connecticut, many people dispute even to this day whether it was a pie tin or a cookie tin that was used as the first frisbee.

21. The vacuum cleaner was first invented in the state in 1905.

22. The first American dictionary was invented in Connecticut all the way back in 1806.

23. In 1900 Louis Lassen claimed to have served the first-ever American hamburger from his New Haven lunch wagon.

24. More facts on Connecticut stem from the capital city of Hartford, did you know that the oldest US newspaper still being published originates from Connecticut, The Hartford Courant, first established in 1764.

25. In 1937, Connecticut became the first state to issue permanent license plates for cars.

26. In 1784 New Haven was incorporated as a city.

27. Connecticut’s state insect is the praying mantis.

28. The total water area in Connecticut is approximately 701 square miles.

29. The Scoville Civil War Memorial Library in Connecticut is the oldest public library in the United States.

30. It was only 15,000 years ago that the entire state was covered by a glacier.

Interesting facts about Connecticut

31. The world’s first-ever nuclear-powered submarine was built in Groton, Connecticut in 1954.

32. The famous Revolutionary War traitor, Benedict Arnold, was born in the town of Norwich, Connecticut, in 1741.

33. The state is named after the Connecticut River.

34. Bear Mountain, located in Salisbury is the tallest point in Connecticut.

35. Connecticut has 169 towns, 21 cities, and 9 boroughs in total.

36. It is prohibited to fly a kite in the streets of Hartford.

37. The first-ever US speed limit laws for cars were introduced in Connecticut in 1901.

38. Color Television was invented in Connecticut.

39. Connecticut is one of 5 New England states. New England states are all situated in the northeastern US and have a deep-seated past with the British Colony, hence the name, New England.

40. The maximum Connecticut speed limit is 65 mph.

41. Connecticut’s state flower is the Mountain-laurel.

Interesting facts about Connecticut

Economic State Facts About Connecticut

Connecticut, despite its size and population, has always maintained a stable and ever-growing economy. People who move to Connecticut do so because it is an affordable place to buy property, with the median house price being only $239,000 as well as being aesthetically beautiful with an abundance of fun things to do.

With all the opportunities this presents to companies and those seeking new start-up opportunities, or anyone who is simply looking for employment, the economy of Connecticut has been growing at a steady and consistent rate, providing many economic state facts about Connecticut.

Connecticut’s most successful industries have deep roots within the state, for example, the financial and insurance services industry contributes over 16% per year to the state’s GDP. Connecticut’s manufacturing industry also continues to be highly diversified and it is a leader in highly skilled and technical fields such as metalworking, electronics, and plastics. While agriculture no longer holds its once-prominent position in Connecticut’s economy, farming is still important to the state. The most important crops are dairy, poultry, forest and nursery, tobacco, vegetables, and fruit.

If you would like to learn how to register a business in Connecticut so you can start your entrepreneurial journey, we have created a checklist walking you through the process.

Let’s take a look at some economic state facts about Connecticut

  • Connecticut’s GDP is over $248 billion.
  • Connecticut’s GDP per capita is over $65,000.
  • Connecticut ranks 15th in the US for its workforce (CNBC’s Top States for Business, 2019).
  • Connecticut ranks 8th in the US for its education system (CNBC’s Top States for Business, 2019).
  • Connecticut ranks 18th for technology and innovation out of all 50 states (CNBC’s Top States for Business, 2019).
  • Connecticut’s GDP growth is approximately 1.8% (CNBC’s Top States for Business, 2019).
  • Connecticut is home to over 350,000 small businesses.
  • Connecticut is home to over 745,000 small business employees.
  • Small businesses make up over 99% of Connecticut’s businesses.
  • Connecticut’s small business employees make up over 48% of Connecticut employees.
  • Small businesses account for over 88% of Connecticut’s exporters.
  • Small businesses on average create over 10,000 net jobs in Connecticut.
  • Connecticut’s state sales tax rate is 6.35%.
  • Connecticut’s income tax rate ranges between 3%-6.99%.
  • The Connecticut state minimum wage is $13.00 per hour.
  • The Connecticut corporate income tax rate is 7.5%.

This snapshot of the economic state facts about Connecticut highlight just how interesting and popular this state is to reside and do business in.

Interesting US State Facts


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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,395 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.