Speed Limits in Maine

Author: Jason Coles

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Planning a trip to Maine? Maybe you are even formulating a move to the state or have only just relocated? There are so many things to look forward to when you are in the Pine Tree State, including expansive landscapes spanning across the state, beautiful lush forests, gorgeous golden beaches, national parks, and of course the best Lobster in the country!

If you are a driver in the state, planning on becoming a driver, preparing to drive whilst visiting the state, or just simply passing through, knowledge of the different speed limits in Maine is especially important, not just for yourself, but for other road users too, whether in the cities, on the highways, or in any of the rural communities.

That is because speeding in Maine, like most other places in the US, can and most likely will attract some hefty penalties and fines, and you don’t want to receive a speeding ticket in Maine as multiple ones will likely lead to having your license suspended through an accumulation of points!

Speed Limits in Maine

Knowing the correct speed limit is not only about avoiding punishment. It is also about driving safely on the roads to prevent accidents. Driving within the speed limit helps reduce the possibility of crashes and promotes efficient use of the road.

In Maine, legislation is put in place to govern the safe use of the roads. The various speed limits in Maine are established by the Maine Department of Transportation. The different limits indicate the fastest speeds you are legally allowed to drive when the conditions are good – that is when driving in fair weather and with good visibility, which is known as the “absolute speed limits”.

Of course, a specific signed speed limit does not always mean you have to drive at that exact pace all the time. In fact, you still need to assess the road conditions and the surrounding environment to determine the best speed at which to drive within the limits.

This is called, the Basic Speeding Law, and prohibits driving at a speed that is “greater than is reasonable and prudent” under the driving conditions. The basic speeding law also makes it unlawful to “permit the driver to bring his (or her) vehicle to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.” What this means is that you must drive at a sensible limit for the driving conditions during the day/night, and if you surpass the safe speed limit, then you may be fined and potentially further penalized.

What is the Maximum Speed Limit in Maine?

There is no trick as to how the absolute speed limits work in Maine, what you see is what you get, literally. So, if you are driving in a 55 mph zone, which has been clearly signposted, indicating the speed limit and there is nothing impeding vision of the road or anything else to require a slower speed, then you can drive at that limit or less.

Different speed limits are implemented based on several factors, including population density and type of road. For each community and highway, the speed limits are often posted on prominent signs along the roadway.

The absolute speed limits, including the maximum speed limit in Maine, are as follows:

  • 15 mph in school zones.
  • 25 mph in most residential areas.
  • 55 mph on divided roads.
  • 55 mph on undivided roads.
  • 55 mph on urban highways.
  • 75 mph on rural highways (including trucks).

With these different speed limits that have been implemented in Maine, it is important to pay attention to road signs. The last thing you want is to be slapped with a huge fine as a result of exceeding the state’s speed limits.

For violating Maine’s basic speeding law, the fine you will receive is $134. However, the fines you will get for surpassing the absolute speed limit varies depending on how much you exceeded the speed limit by:

  • 1 – 9 mph over the limit – $114.
  • 10 – 14 mph over the limit – $129.
  • 15 – 19 mph over the limit – $170.
  • 20 – 24 mph over the limit – $230.
  • 25 – 29 mph over the limit – $278.
  • Exceeding an absolute speed limit by 30 mph or more is a class E crime. Violators may face up to six months in jail, a maximum of $1,000 in fines, and immediate license suspension.

Moreover, being fined for exceeding the speed limits is just one way you may be punished. You will usually have 4 points added to your license, in addition to an increase in your auto insurance premiums. Take a look at our table to learn how each offense may lead to a certain number of points added to your license.

Maine Speeding Ticket PointsTotal Points
Driving while suspended8
Driving in the wrong direction6
Speeding 15 to 30 mph over limit6
Minor in possession of drugs or alcohol6
Improper passing or lane change6
Leaving scene of accident involving property damage6
Violation of license restrictions6
Speeding less than 15 mph over limit4
Excessive acceleration4
Failure to yield to pedestrian or vehicle4
Failure to obey stop sign or light4
Imprudent driving or speed4
Operating with obstructed view4
Operating without a license4
Headlight or signal violation2
Traffic circle or railroad crossing violation2
Failure to maintain lane or control2
Improper turn2
Driving too slowly2
No headlights or taillights2
Trucks following too closely2

When visiting Maine, or even planning a move to Maine, it is normal to think of all the funs things you can do. Knowledge of the speed limits – and adhering to them – will ensure your time is well spent and minimize the chance of you being fined.

Speed Limits in the US


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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,390 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.