Speed Limit in Minnesota

Author: Jason Coles

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Speed limits are probably the last thing that comes to mind when traveling to an interesting place such as the U.S. state of Minnesota. But the state’s traffic authority sets out clear guidelines that must be followed in order to avoid getting a traffic ticket, points added to your license, insurance increases, or, worse, jail time!

If you are moving to Minnesota from another state, visiting or relocating from another country, or simply driving through the state, understanding the speed limit in Minnesota is extremely useful knowledge to have.

Minnesota Speed Limits

Knowledge of the correct speed limits is not only about avoiding punishment. It is also about driving safely on the roads to prevent accidents. Driving within the speed limit helps reduce the possibility of crashes and promotes efficient use of the road.

Traffic laws, including speed limits and other motor vehicle-related laws, are established by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The speed limit in Minnesota is defined by two different types of speed limits, basic speeding law, and absolute speed limits.

The basic speeding law prohibits driving at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual hazards that exist. This means that motorists must always drive at a safe speed for the conditions and environment they are driving in.

An example would be that if you were driving on a 70 mph road on a windy, dark, and snowy evening, you would be expected to drive at a slower speed than is signposted. This is because the weather and road conditions would be considered dangerous, and if you were caught driving at the maximum speed limit you will likely be slapped with a fine.

What is the Minnesota speed limit?

The absolute Minnesota speed limit is the speed limits you see signposted, what you see is what you get. If the weather conditions are good and safe, you may go at the maximum speed limit. Surpassing the limit will again, likely cost you in fines.

Minnesota has one of the highest maximum speed limits in the entire country, with only 16 states having legally higher limits. The maximum speed at which you can travel on certain roads in Minnesota is 70 mph.

The various Minnesota speed limits include

  • School zones are 15 mph.
  • 30 mph is the speed limit in residential areas.
  • 60 mph is the maximum speed limit for undivided roads.
  • 65 mph is the maximum speed limit for divided roads.
  • Urban highways in Minnesota are 65 mph.
  • Rural highways in Minnesota are 70 mph.

When driving through residential areas, something to be aware of is schools, hospitals, and construction zones as these areas often have temporarily lowered speed limits and enforce these limits very strictly. You don’t want to receive a hefty fine for not being aware of this.

Speed Limit in Minnesota – Fines & Points System

Generally, anyone convicted of a speeding violation will have to pay a fine plus court costs. Court costs vary depending on the location of the violation. Fines vary depending on how much you have surpassed the legal speed limit.

Here are the Minnesota speed limit fines

  • 1 to 10 mph over the speed limit: $120.00.
  • 11 to 14 mph over the speed limit: $130.00.
  • 15 to 19 mph over the speed limit: $140.00.
  • 20 to 25 mph over the speed limit: $220.00.
  • 26 to 30 mph over the speed limit: $280.00.
  • 31 mph or more over the speed limit: $380.00.

Most states envoke a point system to coincide with receiving a speeding ticket for surpassing a certain speed limit. However, Minnesota is a little different. There is no point system for traffic violations in Minnesota, but your license can, and most likely will be suspended or revoked if you are a continual offender.

This is because each traffic violation you commit as a motorist will still be added to your record, and used as evidence if you repeatedly speed or commit other traffic offenses. There is no specific number of traffic violations you have to commit before having your license suspended or revoked, so, the most sensible thing to do is not risk it in the first place!

When visiting or relocating your family to the beautiful and historical state of Minnesota, brimming with amazing places and interesting facts, it is normal to have your mind focused on fun things to do. Knowledge of the different speed limits – and adhering to them – will ensure your time is well spent and minimize the chance of you being fined or getting into an accident.

Speed Limits in the US


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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,390 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.