Speed Limit in Indiana

Author: Jason Coles

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Visiting Indiana for the first time? Maybe you are planning a move to the Hoosier State or have just relocated?

There is a lot to look forward to, including famous landmarks, natural attractions, shopping havens, beautiful national parks, and a culture like no other.

Yes, there is much to take in on a trip to Indiana or if you have just moved there, but one of the things that you absolutely need to be aware of is the maximum speed limit, and the various other speeds you can travel on different roads in Indiana.

Knowledge of the speed limit is especially important if you plan to do some driving, whether in the cities, on the highways, or in any of the rural communities. That is because speeding in Indiana, like most places in the U.S., can and most likely will attract hefty penalties and fines.

You can be slapped with a speeding ticket, for example, as well as have your license suspended due to an accumulation of points.

Speed limit in Indiana

Understanding the correct speed limit in Indiana is not only about avoiding punishment. It is also about driving safely on the roads to prevent accidents. Driving within the speed limit helps reduce the possibility of crashes and promotes efficient use of the road.

Traffic laws, including speed limits and other motor vehicle-related laws, are established and implemented by the Indiana State Highway Commission. The maximum and other speed limits in the state are split into two categories; basic and absolute speed limits.

Indiana’s basic speeding law prohibits driving at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions, having regard to the actual and potential hazards that exist. The safe speed is dependent on circumstances such as weather and road conditions. You must assess the situation and drive at a suitable and safe speed in order to avoid being fined and potentially further punishments.

An example of this would be if it was a dark, wet evening, and you were driving 70 mph in a 70 mph zone, you would most likely be cited for speeding as the conditions would be considered dangerous and require a reduction in speed despite the signed speed limit.

What Are The Maximum Indiana Speed Limits?

There is no trick when it comes to the absolute speed limit in Indiana, what you see is literally what you get. So, if you find yourself driving on a hot, dry, and clear day on a 55 mph road in Indiana, you can drive at that speed limit. If you surpass the speed limit, then you have violated the law and can potentially face fines, points, and even arrest in some circumstances.

Different speed limits are implemented based on several factors, including population density and type of road. For each community and highway, the speed limits are often posted on prominent signs along the roadway.

The speed limit in Indiana to abide by Indiana traffic law and laws on various roads is as follows:

  • 15 mph in alleys.
  • 20 – 25 mph in a school zone and if within a work zone (construction zones).
  • 30 mph in residential areas.
  • 55 mph on undivided roads.
  • 60 mph on most divided state highways that have four or more lanes and are located outside of an urban area.
  • 65 mph on urban freeways.
  • 70 mph on rural freeways (speed limit on country roads in Indiana).
  • Trucks must reduce their speed on rural freeways to 65 mph.

When driving through residential areas, something to be aware of is schools, hospitals, and construction zones as these areas often have temporarily lowered speed limits and enforce these limits very strictly. You don’t want a hefty fine for not being aware of this!

Indiana Speed Limit Tickets and Points System

Speeding in Indiana is considered a class C infraction, the speeding fines will vary depending on location and traffic violation, however, a speeding ticket for surpassing the speed limits in Indiana will cost between $100 to $200, this includes the court costs. Receiving a fine for committing a speeding offense in a construction zone will cost substantially more money.

If you receive any speeding-related ticket in Indiana, you will likely have points added to your record too, and this time, there is more of a system put into place. It is pretty simple, the more you speed over the limit, the more points will be added to your record.

Indiana Speeding Ticket PointsTotal Points
15 mph over the speed limit2 Points
25 mph over the limit4 Points
26+ mph over6 Points
Improper U-turns4 Points
Failing to use headlights or a turn signal2 Points
Failing to heed a stop sign or yield sign4 Points
Following another vehicle too closely6 Points

When visiting or relocating your family to Indiana, it is normal to have your mind focused on fun things to do. Knowledge of the Indiana speed limits – and adhering to them, and driving at a sensible and slow speed depending on conditions – will ensure your time is well spent and minimize the chance of you being fined or getting into an accident.

Speed Limits in the US


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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,370 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.