Maine’s Nickname

Author: Jason Coles

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One of the things that make the U.S unique is the fact that it is made up of 50 different States, all with their own laws, widely varying climates, landscapes, and cultures.

As well as these major differences, each state has its own nickname usually derived from an event associated with its historical past, a notable landmark within the State, a cultural icon, or even the weather. Let’s consider Maine’s nickname.

Maine abbreviation

What is Maines Nickname? The Pine Tree State.

The Pine Tree State is situated in the northeastern, New England region of the United States. Bordered by New Hampshire from the west, the Canadian provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick from the northwest & northeast, and the Atlantic Ocean borders from east and south.

Maine is known for its varying landscapes, lighthouses, beaches, and fresh cuisine. Maine boasts a lot of wildlife and natural wonders. With Portland being the capital and most well-known city in this diverse state. Similar to other states, Maine has adopted multiple nicknames over the years. With the most profound being “The Pine Tree State”.

It is unknown where the true origins of Maine’s official nickname came from, and even when this famous nickname was first adopted. However, many believe it is due to the pine tree being the official state tree – which makes sense.

Maine’s State Nickname

Pine trees have always been closely associated with Maine, whether it is the famous state tree, the Eastern White Pine, or just the sheer abundance of pine trees within Maine, past, and present. Lumber production has always been a huge contributor to the economy of Maine, in 1909, white pine production had reached its peak, but it still plays a huge role in the success of Maine’s economy. This is why many believe this is the reason for the Maine state nickname.

People don’t just refer to Maine as “The Pine Tree State”. Maine, similar to many other states, is known for having multiple nicknames, all sharing a unique representation of the state and its history. Here are Maine’s state nicknames.

  • The Lumber State
  • Border State
  • Old Dirigo State
  • Vacationland
  • The Switzerland of America
  • Down East
  • The Polar Star State

What Is Maine’s Motto And What Does It Mean?

The 23rd state’s nickname is not the only thing that associates the state with its past, it also has a state motto that many use when referring to the great state of Maine. “Dirigo”, this Latin phrase translates to “I Direct” or “I Lead”, this is due to Maine having previously been the only state to hold its elections in September.

If you are interested in learning about the Maine state abbreviation, check out our page dedicated to the two-letter postal abbreviation.

United States Nicknames


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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,370 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.