How to Get an EIN Number in Illinois

Author: Jason Coles

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Have you recently registered a company in Illinois, or are you thinking of forming a new company in Illinois? Once you have registered your new company the next step is to apply for and obtain an EIN number. EIN stands for “Employer Identification Number.”

It doesn’t matter if you are forming a new Illinois Limited Liability Company (LLC) or registering an Illinois Corporation (Inc). The next step after this is to obtain your federal tax ID number.

How to get an EIN number in Illinois

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To obtain your EIN number in Illinois you have to know how to complete an SS4 form and submit it to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you are comfortable filling out government forms then you should be able to successfully complete and submit form SS4 yourself to obtain your federal tax ID number.

Here is the latest IRS SS4 application form (last revised in December 2019). It is free if you do it all yourself.

However, most people that don’t like filling in forms (that’s the majority of us!), or do not know what needs to be entered on an SS4 EIN application form prefer to use the services of a company that specializes in obtaining your EIN number for your Illinois company.

This makes life much easier, it ensures your form is not rejected by the IRS and means that there is one less worry when forming your new business and getting your Illinois EIN.

If you want to apply for your company’s EIN online yourself, you can click HERE and you will find a link that takes you to the IRS online process.

Learn How to Get an EIN Number in Illinois

The process through which you obtain your Illinois EIN can seem daunting at first, but if you know what you are doing and follow the instructions, or if you decide to hire a specialist company to apply for your federal tax ID, the task of receiving your employer identification number becomes a breeze.

Navigating US government forms and making sure you complete them correctly can be challenging, and if it is not something you are comfortable with or have not done before, we strongly recommend using the services of a professional document filing service, and someone that is a registered agent for the IRS to help you.

If you are a foreign national and do not have a U.S. social security number, ITIN, or legal residence in the U.S., the process is much more challenging if you try to do it by yourself – but you can still obtain an employer identification number for your IN company without a social security number or an ITIN.

Once you have been issued your tax ID number, the IRS will send you a notification and you will receive via mail, your official EIN number Illinois confirmation.

After receiving your federal employer identification number for your Illinois company, you are now in a position to open up a business bank account. To open a corporate bank account, you will need to take your Illinois certificate of incorporation or LLC registration along with your EIN confirmation letter that you received from the IRS.

The bank you choose to use will need to make a copy of both original forms, and you should also take your photo ID and anything else they ask you to bring. If you do not have a U.S. driver’s license, a passport will usually suffice.

How to Get Your Illinois EIN

The other challenge most people have is that the process you have to go through (when applying yourself) to get your Illinois EIN has to be done online and you have to apply for your EIN in one session.

What does this mean? Well, if you go to the EIN Online IRS Page, you will have to fill everything out in 15 minutes or less otherwise your session will end and you’ll have to start the process all over again. The online application process is only open from Monday to Friday, 7 am to 10 pm Eastern Standard Time.

If you are a foreign national and do not have a U.S. social security number and are not a legal resident of the U.S., then you cannot apply online, you must print the SS4 form and fill it out first.

Yes, I need help applying for my EIN number and would like a professional document filing company to do this for me. Please complete the form below and we will get back to you promptly:

Yes, I need help applying for my EIN number and would like a professional document filing company to do this for me. Please complete the fields below and we will get back to you promptly:

If this all sounds quite difficult and stressful for you, then you should seriously consider having a professional document filing company take care of your Illinois EIN for you for an affordable (fixed) fee. Ultimately, it will save you time and money, and also a lot of anguish.

Additionally, these companies are typically enrolled agents with the IRS who have earned the privilege of representing you before the Internal Revenue Service through either passing a three-part comprehensive test or through experience as a former IRS employee.

I am a Foreign National – How do I get an EIN number in Illinois?

This is a question that gets asked often and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Many foreign nationals are advised that if they do not have a U.S. social security number or ITIN, that they cannot apply for an Illinois EIN.

This is not true, but what is true, is that you cannot apply for an EIN number in Illinois in the same manner that a U.S. citizen or someone with a U.S. social security number can. The process is different. If you are a foreign national, do not go through the online process on the IRS website – it will not work.

If you are going to attempt to apply for your company’s EIN yourself, which has its own challenges, then you must download the SS4 application form (a link for this is further up the page), and fill the form out first. Once completed, you must either call the IRS and apply by telephone, reading off the information you have filled in, or you can fax or mail the form to the IRS.

Neither of these scenarios is ideal because getting hold of the IRS on the phone is straightforward (if you are overseas you also have time zone issues to deal with), faxing can be a challenge because fax machines are rarely used nowadays, and sending forms in the mail can take a long time and you run the risk of your SS4 application being lost.

In addition to this, you will find yourself having to chase up the IRS to find out the status of your application, and it can be a tedious, drawn-out process.

The easiest and most hassle-free way for a foreign national to apply for an EIN Number in Illinois is to use the services of a professional document filing company, that for one affordable fee they will take care of everything for you. Once you have given them your basic information, you can sit back and relax!

These companies are doing this all the time and specialize in helping foreign nationals. They will fax your SS4 form and application directly to the IRS, handle the communication with them, follow-up if there are issues or delays, and mail you the original forms once they are received.

The service is a complete “no-hassle” process and you will have your Illinois EIN in no time (usually within a few weeks). You can then open your business bank account.

SS-4 Fax Number

If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident that resides in the U.S. and your principal business or office is in one of the 50 states or D.C., then you should mail or fax Form SS-4 to the following:

Internal Revenue Service Attn: EIN Operation Cincinnati, OH 45999 Fax: (855) 641-6935.

If you have no legal residence, principal place of business, or principal office or agency in any US state, essentially, if you are a foreign national, then you should mail or fax Form SS-4 to the following:

Internal Revenue Service Attn: EIN International Operation Cincinnati, Ohio 45999 United States Fax: (855) 215-1627 (within the US) Fax: (304) 707-9471 (outside the US).

Doing Business in Illinois

As an entrepreneur or aspiring business owner, selecting the right state for your business can be a challenge. There are many factors to consider when you are choosing which state to register a business in.

There are currently more than 1.2 million small businesses operating in Illinois, these businesses employ 2.5 million people (approx), which is 45% of the state’s workforce and just under 20% of the whole state population. Here are some major advantages that come with doing business in Illinois:

  • Per-capita personal income made a return to pre-recession levels of $53,712, which is approximately 6% higher than the national average!
  • The fee for filing an LLC in Illinois is $150, with an annual $75 renewal fee. General partnerships are not required when registering your LLC, meaning there is no registration cost.
  • Illinois is home to multiple metropolitan areas and many state universities, enabling businesses to choose from a plentiful source of well-educated potential employees.

How To Apply for an EIN Number


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Jason Coles

Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. Recognized as a prolific business plan writer by many prominent immigration attorneys in the U.S. who refer his services to their clients regularly, Jason has written over 1,390 business plans across the past 18+ years for start-up companies and franchises looking to expand their footprint in the United States. Jason is considered a seasoned expert in his field. He creates detailed business plans for his clients that include five-year financial projections, market and industry analysis reports, demographic studies, organizational charts, job descriptions, employee hiring plans, and more.